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Thank you for visiting my Photography blog. I will share my current work here so check back often to see what I am up to!

Go Check Out My New Site!!! |Memphis, TN Photographer|

This day has been a long time coming but it is FINALLY here. I have moved, yay! Please go check out MY NEW SITE!!!!!!!!!

Newborn Sweetness Sneak Peek |Memphis, TN Newborn Photographer|

Look at this absolute sweetness! Is he not the cutest little thing you have seen? I had so much fun with this little guy, he had the sweetest little personality. And look at all that hair? It reminded me so much of my daughters hair when she was born, it made me realize how fast she has grown up and how much I miss that newborn freshness.
I will post more next week but I wanted to post a sneak peek for Mom and Dad!

M Family |Collierville, TN Family Photographer|

I'm so glad I got to photograph the M Family while their daughters were home from college. It was cold out but they did great and we had a great time.

Photographing this family of 4 girls and watching them having fun together and laughing made me miss my 4 sisters and sister in law more than anything. It has been over 5 years now that we have been away from home and I am starting to miss it a lot. We always saw ourselves back out west by now but sometimes life doesn't happen how we think it will. We have been blessed with awesome friends that we consider family here in the South. But there really is nothing like sisters, they are the best!!!!

M Family Kids |Memphis, TN Photographer|

I have realized more and more just how small of a world we live in. As I have moved to new states I have made connections I never in a million years thought I would make. For example when I moved to Memphis I met this family at church. After several months their Mom and I realized that my grandparents and her parents were the closest of friends while she was growing up. She use to take piano from my Uncle, baby sat for my Aunt, my Mom baby sat her and they did family things together. Is that not crazy? Here we are thousands of miles from home and who would of thought you could meet someone with that close of a tie to you. She spent time telling me her memories of my grandparents, it's so fun when you live so far from family to have someone who actually knows the people you love and can talk with you about them.
I was able to photograph her children earlier this week, they were great clients. They are beautiful kids and were such good sports. Thanks so much for allowing me to capture your sweet kids and for bringing our families "back together" again!
I think this one below would of made the PERFECT Christmas card, don't you??

Document Part II (Memphis, TN Photographer)

This week was parent's night at dance which means we had the chance to go in and watch B during her dance class. I knew B loved to dance but it was fun for me to see her excitement and determination as she learned new moves and danced for us. It got me thinking back on all the past sports she had tried soccer, basketball, gymnastics and cheer leading. After her first soccer game she said "Mom, why did you make me do that it was so tiring all that running." I knew after that comment that sports were out of the question for her future. As a parent you imagine your kids growing up enjoying the things you do, I was an athlete from the time I was small so of course I figured my daughter would be too. When she wanted to take dance of course I wanted her to try it out. My parents let us try everything out, dance lasted for 2 weeks (I have two left feet). So I wasn't sure how it would go but she has fallen in love. She LOVES tap dance, that is her favorite part but she also loves ballet. I am so happy she has found something she loves. It's ok that she's probably not going to love sports like I did, it's fun to watch her enjoy doing something I am horrible at. And who knows, maybe she can teach me how to dance (although I am sure I am helpless)!
Just watching her made me realize my baby has grown up, her innocence is wearing off, why does time have to fly by so fast??? I wish I could keep them small forever!!!

Document Workshop |Memphis, TN Photographer|

I have really been enjoying my break from sessions, so much I think I have been forgetting to blog!  I have four more clients this year but I have had a nice two week, much needed break. 
I'm currently in a workshop called "document" with the fabulous Angie Warren. You might know her from her blog Creative Mama which is another blog that I love. Although we are only halfway through the mini workshop, I have learned SO much from Angie about documenting details and creative perspective. I sometimes get so lost in the perfection of the picture that I forget that I am hired to document something. I am just in love with Angie, she has such a deep soul and the way she photographs conveys amazing stories.
I have decided I need to pull out my camera more often, not just at shoots. I need to document my kids lives and not worry so much about the lighting and shot being just perfect. So the other day I did just that, my ISO was bumped up as high as it could go, there is so much grain in these pictures it looks like an old TV set, but guess what, I don't care? When I look at these pictures I see memories that I have frozen for me,  to keep forever. A blanket that he has carried around for 2 years now, those puppy dog eyes that can get away with anything, the Disney Cars that he talks about non stop. This is him, this is now, this is life.
Starting next year I will be introducing something new on my blog, a chance for me to "document" my life. Can't wait for the new blog to be revealed in the new year!

Cutest Little Girl |Memphis, TN Baby Photographer|

Is she not just a complete and total doll? She was so much fun to photograph and is such a sweet little girl. I had so much fun with her and her cute little personality!